Agroforestry at the heart of our production

At the Lacquy estate, agroforestry is at the heart of our commitment to sustainable agriculture. This innovative approach integrates the planting of trees in our cultivated plots, creating a balanced and beneficial ecosystem. Fruit trees, walnut trees, and suitable species blend judiciously with our crops.

Trees, beyond providing natural shade, regulate water flows, fix nutrients and shelter flourishing biodiversity. Our estate, illustrated below, bears witness to this thoughtful agroforestry strategy for centuries. This approach, beyond optimizing our yields, is part of an ecological approach. At Lacquy, agroforestry symbolizes our concrete commitment to agriculture that is respectful of the environment and resolutely turned towards the future.

Archive map of the Lacquy estate

At the same time, our commitment to polyculture results in the diversification of crops, promoting resilience in the face of climatic hazards and strengthening soil fertility. This holistic approach is also reflected in our support for bees, essential for pollination and biodiversity. The honey produced on our estate is the fruit of this precious collaboration with these essential pollinators.

Furthermore, our fruit trees, carefully integrated into our agroforestry, do not only serve to diversify our harvests. They are also a delicious source for the production of artisanal jams, embodying our commitment to promoting every aspect of our estate in an eco-responsible way.

At Château de Lacquy, each initiative, whether it is preserving a natural area, promoting mixed farming, supporting bees, or helping to forge a harmonious and sustainable agricultural ecosystem. By anticipating tomorrow's challenges, we continue to shape a future where agriculture and nature coexist in a balanced way.
